NCAA School & Conference Manager - FAQ
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How do I register for access to the NSCM?
- Click the "Register here" link on the front page of the NCAA School & Conference Manager. You will need to submit your name, e-mail address and phone number. You will receive a validation code and be required to accept the license agreement. Then from the Functional Roles tab, you will request a new role from the school of your choice. Watch instructional video HERE.
Who needs to approve my registration?
- If you are the first person from your institution to register, you will need to wait until the NCAA approves your access. When that is completed your Status will display as “Active”. All Active Sports Information Personnel will have the ability to approve or decline all other registrants.
- If you are not the first person from your institution to register, you will need to wait until a registered Sports Information Personnel member from your school approves your access. When that is completed your Status will display as “Active”.
- All Sports Information Personnel can approve, decline or revoke roles for their institution.
Using NSCM
What are the different Main Menu items for?
- Watch instructional video HERE.
- User Profile – From this page there two tabs, “Personal Details” and “Functional Roles”. In Personal Details you can change your name and phone number. In Functional Roles, you can see your roles with the institutions with which you are associated.
- Report Books - From this page you can create Reports for your team, or other teams you have a connection to. Report Books can include a single report, selected reports or all of the available reports. Watch instructional video HERE
- Teams List – From this page, you can search for any NCAA institution’s team and view any rosters that have been loaded into the NCAA system. Clicking on the institution’s name will display that team’s basic info and roster. Under the Actions column, you can download a BRO roster file, or a PDF roster file. You can also use the “Send” function to send the BRO roster file to one or more e-mail recipients. By deactivating the “Show teams that only are relevant to me” checkbox at the top of the page, you can see all teams in the database rather than just your own.
- Games List – From this page you can view all the games that have been entered into the NCAA database. Clicking on the game will display the relevant Game Information. Under the Actions column, you can download the game’s XML file or BPK file. You can also use the “Send” function to e-mail yourself or other persons a game XML or BPK file from the selected game. By deactivating the “Show games that are only relevant to me” checkbox at the top of the page, you can see all games in the database rather than only those involving your institution.
- Application Users – From this page, Sports Information Personnel can view, approve and decline access for all other users. By deactivating the “Show users waiting for role approval only” checkbox at the top of the page, you can see all users rather than only those who are waiting for approval.
How do I approve other users?
- Once an individual is approved as Sports Information Personnel in the NSCM, they have full rights and access to approve other users. On the Main Menu, choose Application Users and you will see any requests waiting for approval. To see all the users associated with your institution, uncheck "Show users waiting for role approval only." If you believe there are users waiting for your approval but you don't see them, check the "Institution" tab in the upper right corner of the screen. Click that item, and choose your school from the drop-down menu.
I've been waiting quite a while to get approved. Why haven't I been approved yet?
- Check with the institution that you requested a role from. Any Sports Information Personnel member may approve or decline your role request. Sometimes they may not realize the request is waiting for them in the Application Users menu.
How do I set up a regular season game in NCAA LiveStats?
- Watch instructional video HERE.
- By retrieving a Game Key from the NCAA School & Conference Manager (NSCM). Sign-in to the NSCM and use the Games List to locate the game you wish to set-up. Under the Platform column, click StatCrew and confirm that you wish to change the game to scoring in NCAA LiveStats. Click on the game, and the Game Key will be visible. Copy the Game Key to your computer's clipboard. On the Create a New Game menu in NCAA LiveStats, choose “Enter a Game Key”. Paste the Game Key into the space to create the game.
- You may only change the scoring platform for your home games. You cannot change the scoring platform for an away game.
- If you wish to set up a game that is not in the NSCM, you are always able to create a game manually in NCAA LiveStats on the opening screen.
Where can I view or download my school or another school's roster?
- You can view or download any roster in the Teams List. Clicking on the institution’s name will display that team’s basic info and roster. Under the Actions column, you can download a BRO roster file, or a PDF roster file. You can also use the “Send” function to send the BRO roster file to one or more e-mail recipients. By deactivating the “Show teams that only are relevant to me” checkbox at the top of the page, you can see all teams in the database rather than just your own.
Once I finish scoring a game in NCAA LiveStats, how long will it be before the files appear in the NSCM?
- The NSCM pulls data from the NCAA Statistics Database every 10 minutes. So under normal circumstances, links for game files should appear in the Actions column on the Games List within 10 minutes after the user finalizes the game in NCAA LiveStats.
When I download the BPK file for my game and import it into StatCrew, some of the statistics are shifted to other players, and there is an extra player named "XX" created.
- This is an occasional glitch that has been showing up for a small number of users. The Genius Sports development team is still working on correcting it, but until we have a permanent fix, there is a usable workaround: Download the BPK file in a Chrome Incognito Window (Ctrl+Shift+N), and it will import correctly.
How do I set up a regular season game against a non-NCAA member school?
Check the NSCM to see if the non-NCAA member team is listed. If they have played an NCAA opponent earlier in the season and NCAA LiveStats was used to score the game, the roster will be visible when clicking their entry.
- If the non-NCAA opponent has a roster in the NSCM, find the game in the Games List, choose platform "LiveStats", click on the game and copy the Game Key to your clipboard. Create the game in NCAA LiveStats as usual. As always verify the accuracy of the rosters before stating the game.
- If the non-NCAA opponent does not have a roster in the NSCM, find the game in the Games List, choose platform "LiveStats", click on the game and copy the Game Key to your clipboard. Create the game in NCAA LiveStats as usual. When you reach the "Players" tab in the game setup progress, you will need to enter the roster of the non-NCAA opponent manually. Upon completing the game, the roster you entered will be stored in the NSCM for the next school who might play that opponent.
How do I change my roster in the NSCM?
- The roster in the NSCM is directly tied to the roster housed in the NCAA Statistics Database. So the proper way to make updates is to update your roster with the NCAA Statistics Database. If you need help doing that, you can contact NCAA Statistics at Once that is completed your updated roster will appear in the NSCM in approximately 10 minutes time, under normal network conditions.
In the NSCM, my game still has TBA listed for an opponent. Should I create this game with a Game Key?
- Generally speaking, no. You should wait until the game has been updated in the NCAA Statistics Database with both opponents appearing to create the game with the Game Key.
- However, if you did create the game before both opponents are listed, NCAA LiveStats will ask if you wish to use updated data when you open the game again. You should accept that request and correct data for opponents will populate the game.
Where do I generate Season or Conference Reports?
Watch instructional video HERE
- Under the Main Menu, choose Report Books and click "Create New"
- Give your Report Book a name and click "Add a Report"
- Choose the reports you wish to include in your Report Book. You can choose a single report, selected reports, or all available reports
- Choose the Team in the drop-down box and click "Submit"
- On the next screen, you'll have the opportunity to rearrange the order of the reports, remove reports, edit your Report Book name, or return to the Add a Report screen
- When you are satisfied with your Report Book, click "Generate"
- When it is complete you can download your report from the "My Report Books" page
- Later, if you wish to run the same report again, you do not have to create a new Report Book. Simply click "Refresh" and the report will be generated again with the most current data
- Under the Main Menu, choose Report Books and click "Create New"
Where can I set minimum standards for my Season or Conference Reports?
- Watch instructional video HERE
- Choose the proper institution in the Institution menu.
- Under the Institution menu select, "View Institution Profile"
- You'll see a list of available sports. Choose the one you wish to view.
- On the Default Minimums tab, click an linked number to change it. NCAA minimum standards are fixed and cannot be changed.
- When running a report, you can choose which minimum standard to apply: NCAA, Conference or School.
Other Questions?
What is the different between Sports Information personnel, Athletic Department personnel, Game Day personnel and Team personnel? What access is granted to each of the different roles?
I score games at more than one university. Can I request roles in NSCM for more than one school?
- Yes. Any user can request multiple roles at multiple schools. It will be up to the Sports Information personnel at each school to approve or deny each request. To change between different schools in the NSCM, use the Institution menu in the upper right corner. The institution menu displays which institution you are currently viewing. If you have access to multiple schools or conferences, you can click on this menu to choose a different institution.
What are Game Keys?
- Game Keys are unique identification numbers assigned to each game in the NCAA School and Conference Manager (NSCM). To set-up a game with a Game Key, find the game from the Games List in the NSCM and click on it. Copy the Game Key from NSCM to your computer’s clipboard. On the Create a New Game menu in NCAA LiveStats, choose “Enter a Game Key”. Paste the Game Key into the space to create the game.
If I am using NCAA LiveStats, what happens when I play on the road and the opponent uses StatCrew/Presto?
- The opponent will upload their post-game information to the NCAA Database and from there the information will automatically populate in the NCAA School and Conference Manager (NSCM). When you login to the NSCM, you will be able to access the information and generate similar reports to ones generated during home games. You will notice a significant loss of details (shot locations, foul locations and types, to-the-second playing time) as they were not recorded, since other software are not capable of gathering this type of detail and are limited by their current input method.
Are there any Career Reports yet?
- In Phase 3, Sports Information personnel will be able to upload historical data into the NSCM.
- Game reports can always be generated in NCAA LiveStats.