1. Connect ScoreLinkII to your ScoreBoard System.
1A. Locate the Scoreboard Interface cable. This is how you will connect your ScoreLink to your existing scoreboard system.
You may have received a cable specific for your scoreboard type with a single connector, or a cable with 3 connectors on the end (the standard multi-interface cable). Included in the standard multi-interface options are connectors for multiple scoreboard types.
Note: The cables are color coded for identification: (Gray=Daktronics/Electromech,
Red=Fairplay, and Black=Nevco).
If you did not receive an appropriate cable, or require a custom type of scoreboard cable, please contact the United States Sportzcast Support at (+1) 321-888-3800 ext 2.
1B. Connect the 9-pin connector to the device labeled “SCOREBOARD” & hand tighten the 2 screws to secure the cable.
1C. The other end of the cable connects to your existing scoreboard system.
Note: It is strongly recommended to connect the ScoreLink II in a permanent fashion within
the venue.
You can connect to the system either:
At the scoreboard distribution unit (if available). This is typically located within an equipment rack inside the venue. Connect the other end of the scoreboard interface cable to an unused, available “output” port. Depending on your scoreboard type & installation options, you may require a custom interface cable. Please contact Sportzcast for specific information if needed.
As a backup option, you can connect to the venue scoreboard controller itself. Locate a spare, unused output port on the venue scoreboard controller and connect the other end of the cable.
2. Power the BOT on
2A. Your device can receive power directly via the connected USB-B cable provided with the ScoreLink, to a Computer.
Once connected, you will begin to see lights flash on the bottom of the ScoreLink device.
3. Install ScoreConnectIII on your PC
3A. Your device only needs to be configured once upon initial installation. To accomplish this, you will need to create a Sportzcast account and download the ScoreConnect3 tool from Scoreboard Data Solutions - Genius Sports
Note: If you already have a Sportzcast User ID, you do not need to create a new account,
simply follow the steps below & log in with your existing credentials.
3B. Once on the Sportzcast.net webpage, go to the “Users” tab and click it to find the “DOWNLOADS” button in the top right corner of the page.
3C. Then download the ScoreConnectIII from the product list.
3D. Locate the downloaded “ScoreConnectIII.msi” program on your PC & double-click the icon to install the tool.
3E. Follow the steps on the ScoreConnectIII screens to install the tool.
4. Configure your settings
4A. Your device settings are configured via the web control page. On a PC connected to the same network as your device, open a web browser and enter: http://localhost:5000/
4B. If it is the first time working with ScoreConnectIII in the computer and you are using a Windows PC, you will need to follow the guide to open TCP Ports on the Windows Defender Firewall. Use the following guide: Windows Firewall Rules
4C. Select the “Settings” tab to connect to your device. On the screen that appears, click the “Find Bots” button.
Once the scan is complete, you will need to select the USB ScoreLinkII option, as shown in the picture below.
4D. In the Configure Scoreboard panel, assign the appropriate scoreboard type to your device, on Vendor dropdown. Then assign the sport of your desire by using the Sport dropdown. Next, choose the connection type between the Scoreboard Controller and the ScoreLink device on the Connection Type dropdown.
Last, choose the Decoding type on the Configure Decoding panel. It will only work with Local Connection.
Locally: Send raw data to the Local Server in ScoreConnectIII.
Click the “Submit” button to load the configuration to the ScoreLink device.
Your Device is now configured & ready for use!
If you would like more information on Sportzcast, including how to utilize your device to automatically deliver real-time scoreboard data into additional applications outside of NCAA LiveStats such as:
Broadcast Graphic Overlays | Out of Town Scores | HTML Graphics | And More!
Please visit Scoreboard Data Solutions - Genius Sports , or contact us today at the United States Sportzcast Support at (+1) 321-888-3800 ext 2.