This document will describe the process for setting up and using a Sportzcast device (ScoreHub or ScoreLink) with NCAA LiveStats for Basketball.
ScoreHub and ScoreLink devices will work properly. Older ScoreBot 1000 devices will not yet power the automated clock in NCAA LiveStats. We recommend testing the functionality in a testing environment before attempting to use the automatic clock in a real game.
Using the automatic clock function is entirely optional. To run your clock manually, simply select “Manual” from the Live Scoreboard Data item on the System Check screen.
Configuring the Sportzcast device
NCAA LiveStats Configuration
- Game Setup
- Most common error messages and fixes
- In-Game control (switching Manual to Automatic and back)
In-Game workflows
Configuring the Sportzcast device
ScoreHub is the most advanced Sportzcast device that acts as a mini computer/server that streams the scoreboard data into the network.
It has to have network connected to it, otherwise it can not be accessed.
On device’s display, there is status displayed of the service:
There is an IP address visible, also above the IP address the selected scoreboard type is shown.
The dots with labels indicate if there is a connection and if it is working properly.
Green - everything is ok.
Grey - not connected.
Yellow - connected, but data not usable.
In order to configure (scoreboard selection, ip addresses config) you can connect to the specified IP via web browser (in this example: and will be asked for a password to enter into it. The password is last 4 characters of the UID value (in example case - 035B)
The website, once logged in, looks like this:
On this page, it is mandatory to make sure the appropriate Scoreboard field is selected. (This can be done only once per device, since it keeps the memory). In this example case, OES ISC9000 scoreboard is used and it is used for basketball, so OES Basketball scoreboard is selected to properly use the data.
After selecting the Scoreboard field, Load Scoreboard Config button must be clicked - it will reboot the ScoreHub device.
After attaching the device cable to ScoreHub device and loading the correct scoreboard, the device UI should look like this:
Notice the green dot next to Scoreboard Data field - it means, that ScoreHub device is receiving the data from the scoreboard. Also, notice the three black boxes in the right bottom corner - they are showing the scoreboard scores and scoreboard clock. (AWAY, CLOCK, HOME)
Also, the Cloud support is not mandatory for usage with LiveStats.
If there is incorrect scoreboard selected for score hub - the Scoreboard Data will be marked in yellow (as in the example below -actually OES Scoreboard was used, but incorrectly selected Fairplay).
ScoreLink (ScoreBot)
To use ScoreLink (either ethernet or USB connection) it is mandatory to have ScoreConnect application running on a target computer. (download link can be found here
There are two ways a ScoreLink device can work - either straight USB connection or Ethernet connection. Either way, the connection to the device is the same in the application.
The application user interface looks like this -
After starting the application, if there is no connection done already (Scoreboard Data - Scoreboard Connectivity panels indicate in this example that there is no data), the user should click the Re-Scan for ScoreLinks button so the device will run the scan for the devices. After application completes the search, the user should select the according device in ScoreLink Device select. If there is an incorrect Scoreboard Manufacturer and Sport scoreboard selected, the application will show the same way as in example above that there is no data connection from the scoreboard. In this example case, OES ISC9000 scoreboard is used and it is used for basketball, so OES Basketball scoreboard is selected to properly use the data (example below)...
(Notice the Scoreboard Packets are green and Scoreboard data showing the data from the scoreboard).
NCAA LiveStats configuration
Game Setup
With prerequisite Sportzcast device setup done (see above) user can proceed to scouting the match using NCAA LiveStats.
When opening a new game, user is presented with additional selection in System Check screen - Live Scoreboard Data. If Manual is selected, the game would be scouted as usual for LiveStats applications - using space bar or “start/stop” button in the user interface.
The other two options - ScoreHub and ScoreLink (ScoreBot) will be available...
Once ScoreHub value is selected, NCAA LiveStats will run a network scan to try and find if there are any ScoreHub devices visible on the network (Note that there can be an actual device connected to the network, but LiveStats may not find it and that is based on how the network subnet is configured and if LiveStats can see the device or not). If the device is found, IP address will be filled in automatically and all what is left for the user is click Connect button.
After clicking the connect button, the user will be presented with green Connected message if the connection is successful, and an orange warning with red error message displayed if connection failed (both examples below). If there is an error and connection failed - the user will see a Connect button to try reconnecting after fixing the issues.
ScoreLink (ScoreBot)
After selecting ScoreLink (ScoreBot) LS will try immediately to connect to ScoreConnect (application service on local machine). If everything is fine with the connection, the green Connected message will be shown and orange warning with error message if connection failed (both examples below). If there is an error and connection failed - the user will see a Connect button to try reconnecting after fixing the issues.
Most common error messages and fixes
Sportzcast device is receiving empty values
This error means that Sportzcast device does not recognize the data from scoreboard properly.
This can be due to multiple scenarios:
- Feed cable is unplugged / not plugged correctly into Sportzcast device. Simply check if cable is plugged in.
- Incorrect Scoreboard is selected in ScoreHub/ScoreConnect set-up. To check this for ScoreHub, go to ScoreHub admin page. To check this for ScoreLink, go to ScoreConnect app. Check if correct scoreboard device is selected.
To verify if data is flowing properly into the Sportzcast device...
- For ScoreHub, check score/clock boxes on the bottom right corner of the screen
- For ScoreLink, check in ScoreConnect app where Scoreboard Data is displayed and see if it shows any values
For both of the devices, the boxes next to Scoreboard Data should be green.
Failed to connect to Sportzcast device
This error means that LiveStats failed to connect to Sportzcast server. The IP address for ScoreHub must be checked for this. For ScoreLink, check if ScoreConnect application is up and running.
Error when reading the data from Sportzcast. Unexpected values received for basketball. Message: {0}
This error means that NCAA LiveStats is not receiving the data from SportzCast that it expects. The last sentences of the error message will explain what property LiveStats fails to read. If message says that it can not read property IsClockRunning - ScoreConnect app or ScoreHub must be updated to latest version. If update does not help - contact Support with details about which software versions are used and what scoreboard is used. If this error occurs and software update does not help, plan to use Manual clock, since NCAA LiveStats will require an update to be compatible.
Error when reading the data from Sportzcast. Error when receiving data from Sportzcast
Unexpected error - We suggest the user try to connect again. If that does not help - contact the support team with information about the game/user/machine name.
In-Game Control (switching Manual to Automatic and back)
If there are any changes to scoreboard connection that need to be done while already on the main game entry screen, the user should click Game menu in top navigation bar, and select System Check (later to be renamed to System / Scoreboard interface information).
Automatic → Manual
Once back to the game setup window, if user wants to go back to manual clock interface, select Manual option in the Live Scoreboard Data selection and click Save & Confirm button.
Manual → Automatic
If the user wants to change from manual clock to automatic, the same procedure as in Game Setup should be followed.
In-Game workflows
Pre-game functionality may depend on the scoreboard and on how the scoreboard is used in the actual arena.
NCAA LiveStats will use the scoreboard feed for pre-game only if Scoreboard is returning clock data with period number = 0
If scoreboard is set to period = 1 or any other period, pregame clock will immediately change to 0 and prompt the user for starters and allow the user to start the game.
As for the start/stop handling for pregame - it is the same as in-game described below in Clock control
Clock control
All manual clock control is disabled if scoreboard is connected to NCAA LiveStats.
Instead of usual start/stop clock buttons the user would only see informational unclickable “buttons” that are indicating if the clock is stopped or running like this:
Also, space bar is also disabled and will not do anything related to clock controls.
The user can still make edits for actions and change time value for any action in the Action Log.
Score notifications
If the scoreboard is connected to NCAA LiveStats, additional boxes near the score will appear that will display the score from the scoreboard. The teams are recognized and matched with the scoreboard by home/away cardinality. If the scores do not match and you notice that it is setup in a wrong way, adjust team cardinality in game setup.
If the scores do not match for more than 2 seconds
The un-matching score will start blinking like shown in the example below. If the scoreboard score or LiveStats score is updated and it matches once again - the blinking will stop.
If the scores do not match for more than 5 seconds
The un-matching score will continue blinking, and NCAA LiveStats will set their score feed as "Score unreliable" and send the information to downstream consumers. This does not necessarily mean that score in NCAA LiveStats is incorrect - it only means, that there is a discrepancy within the scores.
Period control
With scoreboard connected the periods must be still started/ended/confirmed by the statistician. They will not end nor start automatically.
Start of the game
The scoreboard feed will not be taken until the pregame clock expires and statistician has selected starters, jump ball players, and clicked “Start Clock” to start the game (after the jump ball is tossed). After that, all clock control goes to scoreboard and statistician can not control the clock manually.
End of period
When the clock runs out, the statistician will need to end and confirm the period the same way as with a manual clock. Also, after ending and confirming period, set up of next period must be done by the statistician.
We encourage statisticians to end period immediately once the buzzer sounds and the period ends, before doing any necessary edits and inserts, and before confirming the period.
If an action occurs right at the end of the period, and the clock has expired before the user can enter it, follow the procedure here:
- Enter the action at 00.0 (this is permitted with the automatic clock, but not with the manual clock)
- Entering an action at 00.0 will create a flag on that play
- End the period
- Edit the action to change the timestamp to a non-00.0 time (00.2 or similar), and save it
- The flag will be cleared
Start of new period
The start of a new period is the same as in using manual control - statistician has to click the “Start Period” button. The reset of the clock on scoreboard will not be visible in NCAA LiveStats until statistician clicks “Start Period”.
Force ending current period
There may be scenarios when the period has ended but the statistician did not manage to click ‘End Period’ in the time interval before scoreboard operator reset the clock on the scoreboard.
In this situation, statistician is left in the same period but the clock have been adjusted to 10-15-20 minutes and statisticians needs to end the period.
Under the Game menu, there is a Force End Period item added for this scenario. It will reset clock in LiveStats to 0:00 and end the period.
Starting an overtime period
The overtime period in NCAA LiveStats has to be started by going through jump-ball workflow, similar to the start of the game. "Jump Ball" must be clicked, and start period button is not visible.
After clicking "Jump Ball" and selecting the players, "Start clock" button will appear and statistician will be able to start the overtime.