Refactoring the way LiveStats communicates with the Data Warehouse to stabilise connectivity and improve the ability to automatically reconnect when internet connection is re-established. Webcast Port switching is now working correctly.
- In some cases “Cannot Generate PDF” error was shown when trying to generate any of the reports.
- Game clock value in the TV Feed status message was not handled correctly.
- Application does not reconnect when user closes and reopens the game.
- Attendance (Spectators) field was not send to the Data Warehouse.
- Court locations were not adjusting to the switch of team sides after first part of the game.
- Date & Time can be set in the past time and date.
- [New Feature] Scoreboard Display.
- [New Feature] Environments can no we be switched from the UI.
- [New Feature] Game Messages (essentially the same as per V6 implementation - please see the Epic description via the link).
- [New Feature] Score Query (essentially the same as per V6 implementation - please see the Epic description via the link).
- Free Throw amount suggestions based on court locations were off.
- Workflow for the 2/3+1 situation was not available.
- Add Player button now moves the table to the newest row available at the bottom, also fixes a case when the same button would be disabled in some cases.
- Pre-game Clock used to be started with a Space button on Initial Jump Ball window.
- Initial Jump Ball editing was not working properly.
- Several Shot Types are missing when Inserting a Shot (court locations were not respected when inserting FGA).
9. Scoreboard Display
The feature is essentially the same as per V6 implementation when we’re able to display Scoreboard on external monitors:
- At least one secondary monitor must be connected.
- Display/Scoreboard configuration can be reached via in-game app menu:
Settings —> Scoreboard Settings —> Scoreboard tab
10. Environments can no we be switched from the UI
Environments can now be switched at application menu:
- Settings —> Environment —> Environment tab
- When switching between environments the user will be prompted for confirmation (FLS will auto-restart when change if change is confirmed).
- When app is running in TEST, the top app menu bar will appear in green color.