Bug Fixes
- Webcast is not available for FO Offline generated Match Keys
- Action Ordering crashes Game Clock / UI when Editing Actions before/after Period Start/End
- Game Setup: Save & Next button becomes permanently disabled if any field validation errors happen during Game Setup workflow
- Game Setup steps can be skipped without carrying over required data which causes FLS breakdown once In-Game
- Players on-court are updated respecting previous Substitution events
- Cannot move Game actions back Up after moving those several positions Down
- Changing Made Shot time to be the same as the time of another actions (placing it between Subs with the same time) causes Parsing Error
- Additional Action been added on Action Registered, every time a game is re-opened
- [Reports] Fixed Dunk Outside the Paint appearing in PBP
- Post Game Edits are not Published when Submitting for a DW-cleared Game
- Fixed an issue when +/- would be calculated incorrectly
- Players On-Court value throwing Exception when Multiple Substitution In's are Registered
- TV-Feed Assigns Incorrect Team for Offensive-Foul Turnover
- Foul Edit screen: Suggested FT freezes
- Foul Edit Screen: Cannot Select the same SubType
- Cannot Export Game when Team Names have Hebrew Characters
- FLS allows DW Connections to be initiated more than 30mins prior Scheduled Match Start if a Game was previously Discarded
- FLS does not Reconnect to DWH after 4-hour Timeout
- Incorrect Stats in Start List boxscore
- Jump Ball button gets randomly Disabled after Pre-Game Clock hits 0
- DW treat Actions as Inserted in a Normal (record) Workflow
- Multiple Foul-On Messages Sent to Warehouse
- FGM Assist is not changed after editing it in the Action Log
- FLS v7 AppVer parameter is provided in a correct format for Monitoring
- Fixed wrong Fast Break calculation after first FGM
- The "Lacking player" notification is not shown after deselecting player from "Start 5" players during edit "Substitution" action
- Time for Rebound during Insert Shot defaults to 00:00
New Features
- [Reports] Rotations Summary
- [Reports] LineUp Analysis
- FLS stores last Published and last Acknowledged messages to auto-connect and re-publish missing messages to DW
- Statistician is prompted to enter Spectators
- Individual Playing Times should sum up to the Total Team Playing Time (200mins)
- Game Actions are moving Upwards/Downwards automatically in the Action Log when
- Editing Time of Game Events
- Run button is disabled if Internet Connection Type is Unspecified
- Applying OR argument for some Action Log Filters
- Speed Tests should Timeout for slow Internet Connections and allow the User to Proceed
- Statistician is not allowed to establish two or more Webcast Connections in parallel for the same Match Key
- Handle Technical Foul during Period Break Workflow
- Add Back button in Free Throw prompt window
- Free Throw prompt (or other workflow window) disappears after Editing any Setup info
- Updating TV Feed Client to Support Quarter by Quarter boxscore
- Flagged Game Actions warning is available before Period Confirmation
- Size and Position of Header/Footer Logo is optimised
- Display Game Status in Existing Games list
- Add additional feedback for player's selection
- International Names can be printed on Reports
- Pre-Game Data can be Overridden if Manual Changes on Initial Data Download are made