This is a Non-Mandatory update and includes the following fixes/improvements:
- Technical Foul for Coach or Bench does not proceed to Free Throw workflow
- Deleting Game Actions sets incorrect message order in DWH aggregator.
- “Assist by” Players in the Free Throw workflow don’t match Players that are actually active on-court
- Changes are not displayed in Action Log during and after initial Jump Ball
- Fixed an issue when multiple attempts (clicks) had to be performed in order to submit post-game edits (“Application Error: Cannot submit post game edits)
- Wrong Clock Time displayed in main Scoreboard (Webcast) incorrectly after performing a Field Goal Edit.
- Head and Assistant Coaches are inverted in the Start List Report.
- [Feature: FT can be put On Hold] Fixed a bug when wrong Team Players were displayed in the Assist by section when opening FT results screen from Action Log
- [New Feature] Pre-Match Check can be executed via App Menu (without having to enter Game Setup)
- User is notified when a Match Key is already in use by another FLS instance
- IMPORTANT: If two or more FLS instances use the same Match Key and establish two Webcast connections in parallel, the app will constantly display “Lost Control” error message for both