A - by creating a new person in "Competition" > "Personnel" and adding them to the roster of the respective team in "Competition" > "Teams";
B - by adding a new player directly to the team's roster under "Competition" > "Teams";
C - by importing a player(s) using .CSV file.
A - Creating a new player and adding them to the roster
1. In FIBA Organizer go to "Competition" > "Personnel".
2. To create a new player click on Add button.
3. Add required information:
- Fields marked in red are mandatory.
- Fields marked in blue are recommended.
- Field handicap refers to wheelchair competitions.
4. Click Save button when all necessary information is entered.
5. Go to "Competition" > "Teams" and choose "Season", type the beginning of a new team name in a search box, select this team and click Edit button.
6. Select the correct competition (all current season's competitions appear in bold), then click Add button.
7. Type the beginning of a player name/surname in Person drop-down menu and select him (her). Enter other necessary information, like position, shirt number, start date, and click on Save button.
B - Adding a new player directly to the roster
1. Go to "Competition" > "Teams" and choose "Season". Type the beginning of a new team name in a search box, select this team and click Edit button.
2. Select correct competition (all current season's competitions appear in bold), then click Add person button:
3. New pop-up window will appear. Enter required information:
- Fields marked in red are mandatory.
- Fields marked in blue are recommended.
4. Click Save button when all necessary information is entered. The player is added directly to the team.
C - Importing players from .CSV file
Players could be also imported using .CSV file.
How to do it, you can read in this support article - How to import using .CSV file