Form 10 is created at confirmation of corresponding form 05Bis/09Bis.
Only logged users can access the form part, for creation only Administrators are allowed.
For Form 10, as for all forms, except Administrators, Supervisors, and Forms Administrators, only assigned users can see and operate the forms. The administrators are having all the rights over the forms, in case of wrong data or required adjustments.
This form must be filled out by the CEV Supervisor and closed and accepted by the Team before the CEV Supervisor can confirm it. To be able to confirm it, the Supervisor must have the role of ‘'Forms Admin’' enabled on the Accounts Rights page.
Filling with data
CEV Supervisor must check this form to be sure that all information/data is correct for the match, also add some remarks regarding Team equipment, required conditions, documents, etc., and save the form, The Team must close and accept it and then the CEV Supervisor can confirm it.