To assign form 01 to Federations for the club’s competitions assignment, a user must go to the “Add 01 EC” tab from the “Forms” option in the WCM menu.
Users must select season, gender, and deadline, as well as how many slots each federation has for every competition type, together with some vacancy slots, if required.
Only logged users can access the part of the form, for creation only Administrators are allowed.
For form 01, as for all forms, except Administrators, Supervisors, and Form administrators, only assigned users can see and operate the forms. The administrators are having all the rights over the forms, in case of wrong data or required adjustments.
Filling with data
It is about Team registration for the tournament. (Visible for the team once the National Federation selects the team for competition and CEV approves it). Name, club code, and contact information are included. This form is filled out by Federations.
For Form 01 Federations will fill the teams for the allocated slots, as well as proposals for the team’s short name and code. The federation can insert new slots.
On closing, emails will be sent automatically to all clubs from the filled slots.
To fill the form correctly, a National Federation cup responsible must be nominated and his contact details added if they aren’t automatically filled in or if contact details are different than the ones already in Data Base.
Teams will be inserted into National Championship or National Cup areas, selecting the team form the list, establishing the insert area and position, and clicking the Insert button.
From the inserted teams, the user will select them for the desired position in the Registration of Teams area. Also, the user will have to complete the contact data if it is not existing already in DB or If it is wrong.
Once data is filled in correctly, the federation user can click the button “Save & Send to Club” and an email with the form 01C will be sent to the Club email to be filled with data.
There is, also, the possibility to move teams from competitions into other ones, for example: from the Champions League to the Challenge Cup.
Once form 01 is closed, Federation users can't open it again, only Administrators are allowed.
Also, as for all forms, the Administration area of the form is editable only for Administrators.
Once form 01 is confirmed, teams are created for all clubs from the form.
It is filled by the Club nominated person with data regarding the Proposed Team denomination, short name, code, as well as Organising Director Information (including contact details), designated hall.
Form 01C will be filled by the Club nominated person with data regarding the Proposed Team denomination, short name, and code if wishes to be promoted to a different competition.
A person is designated as the Organizing Director, selected from the list, or created using the provided tool. Data regarding his contact details must be filled in correctly.
A hall must be designated also, selected from the list, or created on the page.
Club representatives also can ask CEV questions, using the “Ask CEV a question” button, in case something is unclear.
Once all the details are filled in, the Club can Close and send them NF the form. No changes are allowed from the club after closing.
Where to find it
Forms 01C can be searched using tab Forms 01 from Forms, selecting season and federation. Also, it could be exported that list to XLS format in the same place. (Form 01 XLS)
The forms will appear also in the Federation area and Club Area, for corresponding federations and clubs.