There are multiple options to create 07 forms:
The first list has the teams that can host the matches and the second list will contain the list of matches.
The selected matches will be assigned in Form 07 to the selected teams. Also, the deadline can be a fixed date or several days before the match.
Only logged users can access the form part, for creation only Administrators are allowed. For Form 07, as for all forms, except Administrators and Forms Administrators, only assigned users can see and operate the forms. The administrators are having all the rights over the forms, in case of wrong data or required adjustments.
Filling with data
All 07 forms are having similar formats, containing an area of default values (competition, training halls, hotels for teams, hosting responsible with his contacts, CEV TD/Supervisor, Airport). Those data can be set by the er and will help to assign them very fast for all matches from the rm. If matches have different values, each match can have its own values. Values can be saved individually for every match, using the button “SAVE MATCH INFO” or globally, using the bottom of the page button, “SAVE ALL MATCHES INFORMATION”.
Very important are the proposed dates for matches, CEV checks those and approves one. When form data are completed, the user will close the form having, as for the majority of other forms, the possibility to have a pra printed version of the form too.
If a hotel or a Hall does not appear in their respective lists, it can be added using the tools from the page. For forms 07 and 07ORG fie data is similar but for forms 07L, the user will have to also select the match for which his team is organizing. Once the data of the match is filled and saved in form 07L the corresponding form 07 is created and it should be used for match data instead of 07L (a message about this will be displayed together with the match area disabled for changes in form 07L).
Where to find it
Forms 07 can be found using the tab "Search" from WCM/Forms selecting the season and/or competition, Forms group "Organization" and form type 07, 07ORG, or 07L.