After completing all the steps, the user has to Assign the form.
Only logged users can access the part of the form, for creation only Administrators are allowed.
For form 02, as for all forms, except Administrators, only assigned users can see and operate the forms. The administrators are having all the rights over the forms, in case of wrong data or required adjustments.
Filling with data
Users must select from lists the persons for designated functions, the contact data will automatically fill the contacts areas. If persons are missing or contacts are wrong, should be added or changes made in the National Federation / Club interface.
The Media details must be inserted according to the form indications.
For 02 forms that display the Team Uniform Colors, fields must be filled also.
When all data is completed, the form must be closed and sent to CEV.
On confirmation, the media will replace the existing Yellow Pages media, as well as the Club responsible persons.
Where to find it
Form 02 can be searched in the tab Search from Forms/WCM, selecting season type, season, gender, and form type “02”. Also, the form will appear in the Federation Area and Club areas for the designated user.