To assign form 01CH, the user must use the option ‘'Add 01 CH’' inside the ‘'Forms’' tab in CEV WCM.
Season, gender, the competition must be selected in order for the dropdown list of national teams, deadline and form text can be displayed.
There is a default text that can be changed using the “Modify" Default text” button, which will fill in the form details, those could be changed as the user wishes with his data.
Already assigned teams/federations are displayed in the list with red on a yellow background and are impossible to select. The assignment will be done only for teams chosen from the list.
Only logged users can access the part of the form, for creation only Administrators are allowed.
For form 01CH, as for all forms, except Administrators, Supervisors, and Form administrators, only assigned users can see and operate the forms. The administrators have all the rights over the forms, in case of wrong data or required adjustments.
Filling with data
Federation user can check the boxes for “Can Organize” from the competition phase if he wishes. The form must be printed, signed, and sent to CEV at
Once the form is closed, a team is created for that season.
Where to find it
Forms 01CH can be searched in the b Search from Forms/WCM, selecting season type, season, gender, and form type “01CH”.