Form 08 is created using the tab “Add 08” from WCM/Forms, selecting the level of the competition, deadline, and option about referee reserve. A form will be assigned to each Home Team. Form 08 contains details about the match competition hall and referees' arrival.
Only logged users can access the form part, for creation only Administrators are allowed.
For form 08, as for all forms, except Administrators and Forms Administrators, only assigned users can see and operate the forms. The administrators are having all the rights over the forms, in case of wrong data or required adjustments.
Supervisors are not allowed to modify the form.
Filling with data
The user must provide the time for training sessions, also he can add or modify some details regarding the halls (training or competition), using the “Details/Edit” options for each one.
Officials' arrival dates and hours are requested too, as a general team communication and name along with contacts of the Club’s organizing director.