ℹ️ This user guide explains how to give a Player a Formal Warning on the e-Scoresheet application for Volleyball.
Add a Player Formal Warning
This formal warning is not a sanction, only a symbol that the team member (and by extension the team) has reached the sanctioning level for the match.
On the main dashboard click on the Formal Warning button of the team, you would like to attribute the Sanction to.
Select the Player receiving the Warning and Click on "CONFIRM SANCTION". If you wish to cancel the warning, you can click on "CANCEL & DELETE"
If you click on the Formal Warning button once again, only the team can receive the Formal Warning. Then, select the type of warning ("IMPROPER REQUEST" or "DELAY").
If you wish to cancel the warning Click "CANCEL & DELETE".
Only one improper request can be given to a team. A team always needs to receive a delay warning before the penalty.