This user guide will explain how to create and manage streams within your WCM and InPlayer account.
1. Synch matches from WCM to InPlayer
Access the Competition Manager (, select the Competition, the Season and the Championship you want to upload.
Two solutions can be offered to access the content:
- Paid indicates that a fee-payment is needed and will be set up through the InPlayer Platform.
Auth indicates that only a registration is required and this is aimed for the data collection. After
the subscription, it is possible to watch the video for free.
To upload the matches on InPlayer:
- Select the checkbox for Paid Video or Authentication Video (#1)
- Save by clicking UPDATE Championship (#2)
- Send the matches to InPlayer by clicking Submit matches to InPlayer (#3)
How do I change from Paid to Auth once the matches are uploaded?
- Select the correct checkbox (Paid/Auth)
- Click Update Matches from InPlayer (#1)
- Then click Submit matches to InPlayer (#2) and send them with updated info to InPlayer
How do I delete a Championship from InPlayer?
- Click Delete Matches from InPlayer (#1)
- Remove the tick from Auth/Paid (#2)
- Click UPDATE Championship (#3)
2. Asset management on InPlayer
Once the Championship with all the matches has been submitted, all the data will be available on the League Related Account on InPlayer.
Access the account and go to Assets → tab Assets. In this area, you will find the list of all the matches of all the Championships uploaded from the Competition Manager for the League.
The Asset Title shows: Type of video (Paid/Auth) + Name of the Championship + Name of the match
Custom Asset
It is possible to customize the details of only one match. To do so, click the edit icon of the desired asset.
3. Package management on InPlayer
It is possible to customize the details of a Championship by creating a dedicated Package.
Example: Fan Pass, the possibility to subscribe only to your favorite team’s matches.
Access the account and go to Assets → tab Packages. Click Add new Package, enter Package Name, click Save.
1) Open Price Options → Click Add New Price:
Set the General Info (description, payment type (ppv, subscription, season), period (1 day, 1 week, 1 year, etc.), amount and currency):
Set Additional info (if necessary):
2) Open Manage Assets:
To add all the desired assets, in this case, all the matches of a certain team.
- Select Name as the filter criteria (if there are many matches/assets) and type the team’s name in the search field.
- Thick the “Select all loaded assets” and click “Add all assets” or just simply drag one by one to the column on the right and SAVE.
For verifying, go back to tab Assets, open the asset (a match of the team) details, open Price Options.
4. Voucher management on InPlayer
It is possible to create special prices for specific users. The voucher can be set with a one-time limit or even limitations based on the user’s email address, whatever you prefer. You can also specify for which asset/package/access fee the voucher can be applied.
Example: Discount for one Club.
1) Create a dedicated Package for the Team, as it was described above in point 3.
2) Go to Assets → tab Vouchers. Click Add New Voucher:
Add a voucher name, select the type of voucher → next
Main settings: generate the code, add the discount percent and period → Next
Voucher limitations: add the usage limit (can be unlimited as well) and time details → Next → SAVE
3) Open Voucher Packages to add the voucher to a specific Package by moving it to the column on the right.