In this support article you'll find information related to the process of identifying players who are duplicated in the WCM database and how to merge them together so that they are no longer duplicated.
1. Log in to WCM using your credentials.
2. Click on “Competition Manager”.
3. Click on "Notification Center"
4. In the "Data Integrity Check" cluster, go to the option "Possible similar person" and click there.
5. In order to see all the similar people, make sure that the "Display Confirmed" box is ticked. The system will now show you the players with similar names and surnames.
6. Identify the players you will be merging, select them, and then click on the "Merge Selected" button.
7. Once the "Merge Persons" window appears, it will prompt you o select one player to maintain and one to delete. The stats of the deleted player will go to the person being maintained. Make the selection according to your needs and then click on the "Merge" button.