This article will provide you with the steps to create a new club for your league.
The Club is the organization that manages the Sport Title. So, a Club could manage more Teams during the same year and for sure will manage a different Team year by year. Doing this, the Club will have a history through the years (this will be useful, for example, for the Web Competition Site or further developments. So, the Club will be created only once for all the Seasons: after the first season, the Club will be present and also used for the other Seasons).
1. Log in to WCM using your credentials.
2. Click on “Competition Manager”.
3. On the left side of the screen, click on “Clubs.”
4. On the top right of the screen, click on “INSERT New Club”.
Before adding a new Club, be sure that it doesn’t exist in the actual list, searching for name or part of it, the top left the part where it says “Keyword”.
5. A new window will open, to fill information about the Club. Make sure to fill out the sections with the red asterisks. After filling it out, click on "INSERT New Club".
It’s important that a club must be Male or Female only, so in case a Club manages both male and female Teams, you will have to create it twice.