This article will provide you with the steps to add new user accounts in Web Competition Manager.
1. Log in to WCM using your credentials.
2. Click on “Competition Manager”.
3. Click on "Accounts"
4. Click on "Insert New Account"
5. Now the system will ask you to create an account by filling in a few fields of information. In case the account is dedicated to one particular person, e.g. Referee Manager, you can fill in the personal details. In case the new account is dedicated to a whole federation or an organization in general, you can fill in the fields in the following way:
• Leave the gender = Male
• Surname: Name of the organization
• Name: code of the organization (e.g. federation code in case of the local federation)
• Birth Nation: the nationality of the person/organization
• Birth Date: only for people
After filling all the field click on "Next".
6. Now the system will ask you to:
1) create a username and password for the new user as well as to fill in its email address;
2) assign rights to the created account. In general, the accounts are related to:
• Schedule
• Players / Coaches / Referees
• Clubs / Accounts
And could be:
• Manager: complete rights
• Reader: can only see but not change
• OtherReader: can see the data from others, without changing
So, to provide an example, an account having rights as Schedule_Manager and OtherSchedule_Reader, will be able to completely manage the schedule of competitions assigned to him, and also see (but not change) the schedule of competitions assigned to other accounts.
3) select if the same user is going to use other Data Project products, e.g. e-Scoresheet;
4) click on "Insert Account";